Welcome to our recommendations for products to prepare your home for puppy!
Although everyone likes something a little different, we thought we would put this page together as a starting spot for you! These are some of the things we have tried and liked, and they are our preference for use here. Hopefully this can help you get an idea of size and types of things to purchase for use in your own home! There are LOTS of things on this page...so make sure you scroll all the way down!
making a safe puppy place indoors
We recommend that families create a space in their home where a new puppy can’t cause any trouble :) Often, this is an area of the house NOT covered with your brand new carpet, and that is “Puppy Proof” in regards to cords and things to chew on. We recommend using a playpen or baby gates to section off this area, and then to equip it with a crate, food and water, a couple of toys, their Snuggle Puppy that was with them in the litter (you will be asked if you want one of these in the 5 week email!), and for our Cockapoo puppies, their litter box set up. You will find ideas for each of these things below!
Puppy Playpen
These fold-up fences are handy for all kinds of things with a puppy at home! Most commonly, they can be used to confine your puppy to a certain area of the yard, or to keep your puppy in a certain area of your house while training. Make sure you select the appropriate height for your breed, and we suggest the option that has a walk through "door". Depending on the size of area you want to have, it is also helpful to have more than one set that can clip together—so use this link as a starting point, and look around a bit for what fits your situation!
Puppy Gate
These are infinitely handy for training purposes and teaching your puppy where he or she is and is not allowed. This particular gate has a walk-through door so you don't have to hoist your leg over, and is mounted by pressure, so there are no holes in your wall!
Gates like this are also great for blocking off stairs during the puppy stage, as puppies should avoid climbing stairs as much as possible during growth in order to keep joint development at its best.
Be sure you check the size and get extensions if you need to fit a wider doorway!
Room Puppy Gate
Similar to above, here is a puppy gate option to divide a large room, or for a more open home to set up zones or block open stairways.
There are models available for quite an array of sizes——from doorways to wide openings between rooms. Check the details!
cockapoo litter box
We do not currently do this process with our Great Pyrenees puppies, but our Cockapoo puppy families LOVE being able to continue using a litter box like we use here in their homes! This is especially helpful for puppies who go home in bad weather, situations where the puppy will be home alone for a period of time, and families who do not have easy access to a private yard outside. These are the supplies you will need. To begin with, we suggest placing this box in your puppy safe area mentioned above, and from there, many families leave it set up in a laundry or bathroom for times that they are unable to let their trained dog outdoors.
Potty Training Box
This is a litter box much like what we use to train the Cockapoos. Although our particular one has been discontinued, this is very similar and a great choice! We do recommend an absorbent mat like the one I will share below to set in front of the box to catch any pellets that come out as pup jumps out. We find this to be a clean and helpful step in potty training-----and using a pellet box is a great skill to keep them acquainted with, especially in apartment living, traveling, or if you have to be gone and leave pup home in a situation where he or she won't be able to be let out for a while. If you would like to mimic what Cockapoo pups are used to at our house, this is what we suggest!
Pellet Box Mat
This is something that we recommend if you are going to continue with your Cockapoo puppy in the use of a pellet box. This mat would set outside of the box to catch anything on puppy's feet before he or she walks through your home.
Scoop for Pellet Box
This scoop is pretty self-explanatory.....and you need one if you use a pellet box :)
Alfalfa Pellets
This is what we use for "litter" in the puppy pellet box! The alfalfa smells like green grass and helps them to transition to pottying in green grass. I will provide a link for wood pellets below as they are cheaper than the alfalfa pellets online and it would be just fine to mix them to keep your cost lower. These really do last a long time though, if you keep scooping out the yucky parts! Very absorbent and keep odor low. You will only want to put an inch or a little more in your tray, you do not want it deep.
And NO.....before you even think it.....DO NOT use traditional kitty litter for puppies. The "clumping" action can kill your pup. So don't even try it! :)
More Pellets...
These are a wood pellet that can be mixed with the alfalfa pellet in order to cut cost. We do recommend using some of the alfalfa though, as they smell like grass :)
STILL More Pellets!
Although we do not use this type of litter——I did want to include this option as well. Many of our families struggle with allergies, and for some, alfalfa and pine in the home may cause allergy trouble! For that situation, these are pellets made of newspaper.
Again…..DO NOT choose a traditional, clumping cat litter!
Cockapoo Sized Crate
Whether you will be crate training your Cockapoo or not, this is definitely something we recommend! In a crate training application, the use is obvious. However, in a situation where you are not crate training your dog it is still important that your pup have a place in the home where he or she can go that is safe, comfortable, and all his! We highly recommend having one of these in place.
This is the crate we enthusiastically recommend. It is the MidWest Homes for Pets brand, and is their highest quality crate! It can also be folded totally flat and is easy to travel with.
The crate in this link also comes with a divider to make the crate smaller when puppy first comes home, which is helpful for teaching puppy not to potty in their crate!
Cockapoo Crate Pad
This is the pad made to fit the crate above. This may be something you don’t want to add to the crate until:
1. Your puppy is good at not pottying inside of the crate.
2. You are confident your puppy is comfortable in their crate and they won’t destroy the pad and have the chance of ingesting stuffing from the pad.
Cockapoo Crate Cover
A great way to:
1. Make some dogs more comfortable in their crate, as it makes it more cave-like.
2. Make the crate more attractive if it is in a main room of your home!
Great Pyrenees Crate
Whether you will be crate training your Great Pyr or not, this is definitely something we recommend! In a crate training application, the use is obvious. However, in a situation where you are not crate training your dog it is still important that your pup have a place in the home where he or she can go that is safe, comfortable, and all his! We highly recommend having one of these in place.
This is the crate we enthusiastically recommend. It is the MidWest Homes for Pets brand, and is their highest quality crate! It can also be folded totally flat and is easy to travel with.
The crate in this link also comes with a divider to make the crate smaller when puppy first comes home, which is helpful for teaching puppy not to potty in their crate!
This would be more tailored to puppies living in the house, but some families have used it in LGD situations to give puppy a safe place to be in while a herd of goats or other animals that has not had an LGD companion gets used to the puppy.
Great Pyrenees Crate Pad
This is the pad made to fit the crate above. This may be something you don’t want to add to the crate until:
1. Your puppy is good at not pottying inside of the crate.
2. You are confident your puppy is comfortable in their crate and they won’t destroy the pad and have the chance of ingesting stuffing from the pad.
Great Pyrenees Crate Cover
A great way to:
1. Make some dogs more comfortable in their crate, as it makes it more cave-like.
2. Make the crate more attractive if it is in a main room of your home!
Protecting bones & joints
Even though we do our very best with breeding, and follow best practices specific to this area in the 8 weeks the puppies spend with us, much evidence is pointing to crippling joint conditions being very much influenced by environment during growth! In fact, one expert on the topic has placed genetics at 20% influence, and environment at 80% influence for hip dysplasia specifically! To do all we can to coach you in what we have learned, we make suggestions based on food (food formulated specifically for a growing puppy until growth is complete!) and NuJoint joint supplements (read more here and order here with code 52720), there are also a few things you can do to set up your home for puppies to give them the best case scenario for their growth and development in this area. If this is a topic that interests you, you can also read more here.
Area Rugs
Although hard surface flooring is AWESOME for cleaning up puppy messes….if your floor does not have texture that provides traction, it can actually be a hidden danger to your growing puppy! Anytime puppies are running or playing, they need to have a surface that keeps them from slipping and sliding. Although there are some crazy cute videos online of puppies sliding around as they run across shiny wood floors….the action is actually a common environmental cause of hip and joint problems. Area rugs in heavy traffic and play spaces in your home is a simple way to do all you can to protect your puppy’s joints for life! There are options for EVERY taste and price range…..but here’s something to get you started! Also keep in mind——the shorter the pile length, the easier it is to clean up if a mess is made :)
In addition, some families with carpet choose to lay down area rugs in select locations in their home while puppy is still perfecting the manners, as if a mess is made, an eventually removeable rug protects more permanent and expensive carpet!
Walkee Paws Indoor Grippy Socks
For the areas of your home where rugs aren’t an option, there are also non-slip doggie socks available. There are many on the market, but these are the only ones we have found that actually stay on! Our new favorite!! A “must” for older dogs who have a hard time getting up and down, or for a puppy during growth if slick surface floors in your home are unavoidable.
Jumping down from vehicles and furniture, or falling as they try to jump up into vehicles or onto furniture, is another often overlooked thing that can be very hard on bones and joints. There are many ramp options that can make this much safer, and protect your puppy!
Please make sure you double check sizes and specifications for your particular situation, and use this link to see similar items that may work better into your home or lifestyle! Remember, so much of this store set up can be tailored to your own tastes and situation——it’s just to get you thinking!
Also, do note that we recommend a RAMP and not STAIRS. Although stairs are fine for grown dogs, puppies should actually avoid using stairs as much as possible for optimal joint development!
Another suggestion depending on your lifestyle and situation. This isn’t something I personally use outside of vet visits and meeting puppy families at the airport——but I sure do love it when I use it! This is a pretty basic model, but I have no complaints. If this is something you use regularly, you may decide to pay for more bells and whistles……and there are LOTS of options! If you think you don’t need one, let me run over my thoughts and suggestions for them real quickly:
1. This is an EXCELLENT option for vet visits. It does have a weight restriction of 33 pounds, so it would be limited use for the Great Pyrenees….but should last your Cockapoo for life! SO many yucky things can be picked up at the vet’s office, so I don’t ever allow puppies to walk around, and I always keep them off of the ground—I suggest the same for our families!
2. A puppy over-exerting themselves is a real thing—-and is very dangerous for growing bones and joints! Although free play in a yard is the best excercise for puppies, so they can stop as soon as they are tired, short walks are fine. However, if your family takes long walks and wants to enjoy it too, this is a great option for breaking up the walk for pup and protecting him or her along the way.
3. This also opens up the possibility of taking your puppy places where they may not otherwise be welcome, or where you are concerned about the behavior, health, or socialization of other dogs present. Your puppy can still come with you, but can have a safe space while there!
4. And in these situations, it also has a basket for storage, and ALWAYS handy cup holders :) Our family has even had the idea to take it to the library to haul books, haha! It also folds flat for storage, so it’s easy to keep in a vehicle for when you need it!
Keeping your puppy safe outdoors
Outdoor Play Pen
It is important for indoor puppies to still get lots of outside time and sunshine! Vitamin D is important for their healthy development…..and it’s fun! However, depending on your set up, this can be difficult to do safely!
Maybe you live in a home that doesn’t have a fenced yard, and you are worried about your puppy’s exposure to the animals themselves, or any “presents” they leave in your yard!
Maybe you live in a home where, for whatever reason, fencing the yard is not feasible.
Maybe you have a fenced in yard, but until puppy is trustworthy, you want a place to play where they can’t dig up flowers or chew on patio furniture :)
Maybe you want to section off a far part of your fenced yard to take puppy to upon immediate exit of the home to train them to potty in a particular area before having them join the family in the rest of the yard.
Whatever the reason, a set up like this is a great option for many families! In addition, it is portable, can go with you if you move, and they often have good resale value if you wish to sell when you are finished!
Think about how you will use this, and these thoughts will help you choose the right one:
1. Welded wire is often more expensive than chain link, but is much stronger, should last longer, and look nicer.
2. In the world of chain link, a coated link will give you a level of the perks I just mentioned with welded wire as well.
3. If this is an area you intend to use for a long time, you will want to go with a larger square footage——while if it is simply for training to potty in a particular area, a much smaller and cheaper option may be just fine.
4. If this is a play area, and you don’t have shade nearby, you will want to be sure and get one with a shade cover, or the option to add one!
Walkee Paws Leggings
Not only are these doggie leggings an excellent help and time-saver in keeping your pup clean——but they also provide several important safety fixes for when your dog is out on the town!
From hot pavement, to salt that has been spread to prevent ice in the winter, to chemicals put on grass for weed and pest control that is known to cause seizures in some dogs——It is scary to think about what puppy paws come in contact with when they are out and about!
And not only that, but the germs that can be unseen walking down the street, but that your dogs paws bring right into your home and onto your carpet!
These machine washable leggings prevent all of this and so much more——and their designed to stay clean even when pup has to “do their business”. They are something we definitely suggest having on hand!
other puppy prep
BioKleen Bac-Out
This is a favorite stain and odor remover around here! In fact "Bac-Out" is basically the "Kleenex" of stain removal at our house-----it's what we call everything! It is used in our laundry, carpet, potty training accidents for kids and pups! We love it :)
Bissell Crosswave Pet Pro
This is the VERY BEST puppy mess cleaner I have EVER worked with. I love it, love it, love it! It sweeps, mops, and dries excess water at the same time, and makes clean up quick, thorough, and easy!
It works on hard floors, and low pile carpet and rugs.