Just like with people, it is possible to have a puppy who has a bite that is not lined up exactly perfectly. Either an underbite or an overbite-----there are actually misalignments that are desired in certain breeds! We do not breed parents who have bite issues, or intentionally produce puppies with imperfect bites, but it does still happen that a pup will occasionally have a misalignment. This is not something that changes their well being except in very extreme circumstances-----which we would not anticipate. It can be perfectly normal for a puppy's bite to be "off" at sometime in it's growth period as the jaws grow at different rates. Leaving spay or neuter until after growth is completed can help in this situation.

A bite issue is almost always purely cosmetic and almost never matters in a pet situation——however, if you think your dog has an issue with his or her bite that you think is causing a problem for them, check with you vet. In some cases, a vet may suggest removing a tooth, or another similar approach. However, if they suggest anything that you feel is drastic, a second opinion would be a great idea. Canine dentistry and even orthodontics are a growing field, but the cases in which surgical approaches are necessary for anything more than cosmetics should be extremely rare in either of our breeds.

If you are not a family that has visited with us about breeding or showing potential, this is not something that we worry about during the selection process, as (again) it is almost always purely a cosmetic issue, if an issue at all. If this is something that you are concerned about, please let us know at the time of selection, and we can do our best to let you know if there happens to be a puppy in the litter that does have a misaligned bite so that you can weigh that into your decision :) However, please do be aware that bites that are perfect at 8 weeks old can go “under” or “over” later in the growth period——-and a puppy with a misalignment at 8 weeks can grow out of it before reaching adulthood. We can do our best to help in breeding and showing homes, but a perfect bite is not something that can be guaranteed.